The secret of strength is joy; therefore guard your joy at all cost Psalm 16:11, 87:7.
The solution to every challenge in the Kingdom delivers via engagement to God's instruction.
By the Holy Ghost, the bond of depression and sadness is loosed from your life in the name of Jesus!
My prayer for you is that, the great light of God's Word that brings great joy is yours in Jesus’ name!
No more weakness in your body in the name of Jesus!
Whatever chapter that has been closed in your life, they are re-opened in Jesus' name!
Today marks the end of your downcastness; no devil will ever make you mourn in Jesus’ name!
Begging for survival ends in your life today!
Every evil disappears from your life in the name of Jesus!
Anyone hunting for your life will go down for you in the mighty name of Jesus!
This week is declared your turnaround week in the name of Jesus!
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