Things you have to know about Moses the servants of God - Christians Portal

Things you have to know about Moses the servants of God

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Who was Moses father? It’s one of the most interesting parts in the world’s history. Actually, Moses had two fathers. The first one was his blood father and the second was the Pharaoh. Who were these people and why we know so little about them? Continue reading to find out!


Amram - Father of Moses

According to the historical data, the most closed Moses father was Amram. He was mentioned in the Bible as one of the four sons of Kohath. Who was father of Moses? He was also a grandson of Levi.

The historical data provides the information that he was the oldest sibling. It means that he had brothers Uzziel, Hebron and Izhar. The historical timeline shows that his period of life could be somewhere in 1500-1600 BC.


Moses father was not just a person with no achievements in life. He was the founder of the Amramites. This nation came from the Kohathite clan. This clan was responsible for guarding the treasures of the sanctuary.

Moses father name may come from the Hebrew words “Am,” which can be translated as “people” and “rum,” which can be translated as rising up. Nevertheless, some translators of Hebrew give the second part of the name “rum” some interesting definitions, like “height” and “tall.”

Nevertheless, some translators also described his name as “people rise,” which can be quite symbolical especially during the period of Pharaoh and the following period of Exodus. Amram was married to Jochebed.

The couple became parents to Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. It’s still unclear who was Jochebed by blood. At the same time, the Book of Exodus names her the sister of Konath. Therefore, it makes her the aunt of Amram.


The Talmud describes Amram as the propagator of divorce. He managed to divorce Jochebed right before Pharaoh gave the order to kill all the male children of the Jew. Nevertheless, some sources provide information that it wasn’t true and Amram lived a long and sinless life.

The Book of Jubilees names Amram as one of the persons who traveled to Egypt with the mission to retrieve the bones of dead ancestors. The group of people had a mission to bury these bones in the cave at Machpelah.

Who was Moses father in the Bible

As it’s known from the historical data, Amram was married to Jochebed. However, these two had relationships prior to the marriage. Some Latin and Greek manuscripts of the Septuagint state provided information about the relationship between these two people.


According to these sources, Jochebed might have been Amram’s cousin. The Masoretic Text also describes that Jochebed was his aunt.

The textual scholars were quite unsure about the truth of the Book of Generations, which reconstructed and theorized the religiopolitical groups of the Jew history. The different groups derived from the Levites were not so similar.

The Aaronids, Merarites, Kohathites, and Gershonites could portray the names of the brothers Merari, Kohath, Gerson, and Aaron. Therefore, the history of Moses could describe not his relation to the certain family, but the certain tribe.

Who was Moses father in Islam


Amram is also mentioned in the most sacred book of all Muslims – Holy Quran. Nevertheless, his name sounds in this book as Imran. At the same time, the commentators of Quran linked even 2 people to this name.

According to Quran, Amram was the father of Mary who was the mother of Jesus. The genealogy of this person can be traced back to David.

Nevertheless, Amram was mentioned in verse 3:33 as the father of Moses. According to Sahih Muslim, the name Moses is provided to be Musa bin Imran, which means the son of Amram.

Who was Moses father in rabbinical literature

According to the Apocryphal Testament of Levi, Amram was one of the grandsons of Levi. The Exodus Rabbah contradicts one of the traditional theories that Amram divorced Jochebed. Nevertheless, the same book mentioned that he was forced to stay with Jochebed.

According to Talmud, Amram propagated the divorce amongst Israelites, which was unforgivable according to the religious beliefs. There is also a legend about his divorce and remarriage to the same woman.

Pharaoh father of Moses


There was no clear name to the Pharaoh of Egypt who enslaved the Jews and ordered to throw the firstborn male children into the river. Nevertheless, the historical facts provide the information that the Pharaoh of Exodus was Thutmose II, where his father was Thutmose I.

The reign of Thutmose II was quite short, and he didn’t leave any sons to continue his rule. Moreover, some historical facts provide that he died in the water, which can be the reference to the Exodus of Jews. Therefore, it makes him the brother of Moses, and that makes Moses the son of Thutmose I.

Thutmose I reigned in the 1500 BC and managed to conquer the lands of the Nubia and Levant. Therefore, he increased the size of his kingdom several times. He was well known for the military achievement during his reign which provided him popularity among his people.


Who was father of Moses? Historical and biblical facts describe only one person as Moses father. It was Amram. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t forget about Pharaoh father who also played an important role in the Exodus. These two fathers managed to change the history of not only one nation but the whole religion and the world together!

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