3 Things To Learn From The Physically Challenged Man Who Was Seen Preaching The Gospel - Christians Portal

3 Things To Learn From The Physically Challenged Man Who Was Seen Preaching The Gospel

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Before Jesus Christ left the Earth, he gave his followers the great commission which is to go out and preach the gospel to every creature. It is definitely not a difficult task for Christians and they are all expected to do it. There are rewards in heaven for everyone who will obey the great mandate that Christ has given us.

However, a popular Christian Facebook page named Rhema Channel posted a picture of a disabled man who was preaching the gospel with much passion and strength. He didn't give up due to his condition but he still carried out the great mandate given to us by Jesus Christ. Here are 3 lessons to learn from him:

1. You don't have an excuse not to preach the gospel. As long as you are still alive, then you must preach the gospel. During trying times and during difficult moments, you should still find time to preach the gospel. Just as this man will get his reward in heaven, your reward also awaits you if you obey.

2. You don't need to be a preacher before you can preach the gospel. You may not be a pastor of a church or a preacher that is called by God, but you still have to preach the gospel. It is not meant for a selected set of people but every born-again Christian. There are different ways by which you can preach the gospel and God will always accept any of the ways as long as you are doing it.

3. You shouldn't allow the Devil to discourage you. Just as the devil tried to discourage this man, he will also try to discourage you. You need to be strong and steadfast to overcome the plans of the devil. He could use anything to distract you from preaching the gospel, but you just have to be focused.

In conclusion, there is a reward in heaven for those who obey his commandments of God. The more souls you win, the more stars you have on your crown. Do what you have to do and leave the rest for God.

Courtesy: Rhema Channel

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