After Release From Turkey, Pastor Brunson Prays for Trump in Oval Office (Video) - Christians Portal

After Release From Turkey, Pastor Brunson Prays for Trump in Oval Office (Video)

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It was a powerful moment as Brunson keeled next to the President and laid his hand on his shoulder.
Pastor Andrew Brunson, freed from being detained in Turkey after almost two years, prays with President Donald Trump.
The newly released American pastor Andrew Brunson has openly prayed for President Donald Trump during a meeting in the Oval Office Saturday.
Brunson was invited to the White House following his return to the United States, having been held for two years by Turkish authorities on farcical charges of terrorism and attempting to overthrow the government.
“I need it probably more than anybody else in this room,” Trump said, as he thanked Brunson for the offer of prayer. “That would be very nice, thank you,” the President added.
It was a powerful moment as Brunson kneeled next to the President and laid his hand on his shoulder.
“Lord God, I ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit on President Trump,” the pastor declared as Trump bowed his head. “Would you give him supernatural wisdom to accomplish all the plans you have for this country and for him.”
“I ask that you give him strength.. I ask you protect him.. make him a great blessing to this country & fill him with your wisdom and strength,” Brunson Prayed.
Brunson then asked God to give Trump wisdom on “how to lead this country, and to righteousness.” Surrounded by advisors, reporters and photographers, the packed Oval Office fell silent as the faith-filled pastor continued his bold prayer.
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Pastor Andrew Brunson prays for President Trump in the Oval Office.
“I ask that you give him strength.. I ask you protect him.. make him a great blessing to this country & fill him with your wisdom and strength.”
“I ask that you give him perseverance and endurance and courage to stand for truth. I ask that you protect him from slander, from enemies and those who would undermine. I ask that you make him a great blessing to this country,” Brunson said. “Fill him with your wisdom and strength and perseverance.”
The pastor concluded, “We bless him. May he be a great blessing to our country, in Jesus name, Amen.”

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