I can not find a single being without worry and sadness in this world, if God is our father why do we suffer someone asked? - Christians Portal

I can not find a single being without worry and sadness in this world, if God is our father why do we suffer someone asked?

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“For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.

God is our father but we haven't done anything for Him which is worth mentioning like an ideal child serves his father. Till date we are just disturbing Our Father “For Daily Bread” but when it comes to pay the price of that bread by rendering Causeless and Unbroken service we become negligent or procrastinate or shy away. Just like a drop of ocean has no value independent from the ocean. Likewise when we don't become part of that collective goal in which entire Nature is headed under God's supervision, we lose our true value. And hence we suffer.

I cannot find a single being without worry and sadness in this world of God.

The world has made his own defines for everything.

There are various people everyone will have their own story. As you asked my friend that IF GOD IS OUR FATHER THEN WHY DO WE SUFFER,

The answer is simple boy ur father earns for u he gives u funds, facilities,and all things u need but if he is giving u facilities it doesn't mean that ur task will be accomplished with full perfection.

Everything has 2 ways

Either u take these sufferings as challenge and turn ur failure into anger anger into passion and passion into success .

Or U sit down ideally thinking that why god did this or did that.

Some Examples

God has given us mouth to eat and speak now its ur choice whether u speak rubbish or u speak so that everyone listens to what u speak.

Drugs are also used to release pain and to safe life now it's ur choice if u take them for being addicted.

Fans were made to get cool breeze now its ur choice if u tie a rope and commit suicide because of some reason.

At last I also want to clear a fact that god is our destiny planner now it's our choice how we cope up with particular situation.


Answer by:

Shelly Bandha

Heard of the concept ' Karma' ?

Everyone is not suffering, and even if most of us are, everyone is not suffering to the same extent.

Your karma is different from mine so my suffering and it's extent is also different from yours.

Everything in this world has a reason behind it.

Even a simple machine say car has reason for each and every part in it. Each and every part … even the smallest of nuts and bolts are there in it because there is a logic behind each of them.

As a layman I might not understand the reason and requirement of each part in the car but that doesn't mean the car was made and is working without logic. The same logic applies to smallest of working firm.

So this entire universe and it's working cannot be without any logic and reason behind it.

As Krishna explains to Arjun in Geeta : अपने कर्मों का फल हर किसी को भोगना ही पड़ता है अर्जुन।

Answer by:

Ian A Herron

If your father is your father, why did he let you skin your knee/ let you get your feelings hurt when you got your heart broken for the first time, etc., etc., etc.?

We all live in a Universe based upon cause and effect. In this Universe we all learn through a process known as trial and error. Unfortunately, those errors can be painful and create suffering, in ourselves, and in others.

Thus, the suffering. From our own errors, as well as the errors and mistakes of others.

It’s painful. It’s educational. It’s real. And, because it is painful, it is also really hard to forget.

Hope that helps.

Answer by:

Gopal Sinha

Suffering is universal, common to all beings and in Hindu mythology, even the gods had to suffer, especially during a sojourn to this planet or in an incarnation.

Suffering is like an endurance test, a measure of our capabilities, a reminder of our real worth and our goal, an opportunity to earn some equities and lessen our karmic debts, by doing some good works and avoiding bad ones.

By the way, doesn't a child occasionally get admonitions​ from elders and teachers ? An old saying goes like this—

Spare the rod and spoil the child !

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