not all believers in Christ will God accept their sacrifices of praises, or of thanksgiving, or of fastings or of prayers see why. - Christians Portal

not all believers in Christ will God accept their sacrifices of praises, or of thanksgiving, or of fastings or of prayers see why.

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Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ”-1 PETER 2:5

The true spiritual house of God, is an assembly of people, of lively stones, who are born of the word of truth, the gospel of every man’s salvation, and born of the Spirit of Christ, because if any man has not the Spirit of Christ,

he is none of His-ROMANS 8:9c, which means that he is not a Christian or a lively stone, and so, the sacrifices of this kind of believer, cannot be acceptable to God, even though it is offered in the name of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, not all believers in Christ will God accept their sacrifices of praises, or of thanksgiving, or of fastings or of prayers. The sacrifices of thanksgivings, for example, often offered in “churches” by adulterers and adulteresses or by polygamists, even if they are ordained in their various churches, are abominations before God.

Adulterers and adulteresses are those believers in Christ, who are in friendship with the world, and who are friends of the world. These adulterers and adulteresses, according to the scripture, are enemies of God – JAMES 4:4. And God cannot accept the sacrifices of thanksgivings or of prayers from His enemies, who are under His judgment- NAHUM 1:2.

The only sacrifices that God will accept from these adulterers and adulteresses, and from the carnally-minded in the church, or from harlot Christians are nothing but the sacrifices of a broken spirit and a penitent heart, as written in PSALM 51:17.

This is what gives heaven joy, “Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”- LUKE 15:10. The sacrifices of thanksgiving, for example, of one of the ten lepers, who came back to give glory to Jesus, having been healed of his leprosy, was acceptable to Jesus, LUKE17:15-19.

Until believers in Christ, are healed of the spiritual leprosy of their souls, which is worse than the physical leprosy of the body, God will not accept their sacrifices of thanksgivings, or of prayers, or of fasting, or of praises. And it is only the Truth that can heal believers in Christ of their spiritual leprosy, hence Jesus said in JOHN 8:32, that believers in Christ shall know the truth and the truth shall make them free! FREE FROM EVERY SPIRITUAL LEPROSY, WHICH IS SIN THAT DESTROYS SOULS.

And the spiritual sacrifices of prayers offered to God by believers in Christ, who turn their ears away from hearing the truth, which is that perfect law of liberty, are abomination in the sight of God- PROVERBS 28:9. Such believers in Christ are always contentious and will not obey the truth, but will always obey unrighteousness. They are under God’s indignation and wrath – ROMANS 2:8.

God said to Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 11:14, and I quote, “Therefore pray not for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.” Genuine servants of God are not supposed to pray for such believers in Christ, but to rebuke them for their sins, if peradventure, they may repent, because believers in Christ who cover their sins, will not prosper – PROVERBS 28:13.

Believers in Christ must also understand the fact that only the spiritual sacrifices of prayers, or of praises, or of fastings OFFERED IN A TRUE HOUSE OF GOD, are the only ones acceptable to God. Jesus said in MATTHEW 18:20, that where two or three are gathered in His name, there He is in their midst. IT MEANS, IT IS THE PRESENCE OF JESUS, THE TRUTH, IN ANY GATHERING, THAT MAKES THAT GATHERING A CHURCH. It may be a shocking news to some of you, reading this publication, to know that Jesus is not present in most so-called “churches” because the truth is not there!

But the devil who transformed into an angel of light, deceives most believers in Christ, to believe that every place of worship, where the name of Jesus is being mentioned, is a church.

This is not true, otherwise, Jesus would not have warned the true church in Philadelphia to beware of the “synagogue of Satan” who say they are Jews and are not, (who say they are people of God and are not) but do lie – REVELATION 3:9. If it were so, then Paul would not have warned the saints of God in the church of Corinth, in 2 CORINTHIANS 11:4, to beware of another Jesus.

And if it were so, Apostle John would not have warned the saints of God, in 1 JOHN 4:1, not to believe every spirit, but to try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone into the world.

All the spiritual sacrifices of prayers, or of praises, or of fastings, offered by believers in Christ, in such “false churches” or harlot churches are not acceptable to God, because the spirit controlling such harlot churches, is not of God, even though these sacrifices are in the name of Jesus, it is “another Jesus”. The true worshippers of God, whose sacrifices are acceptable to God, can only be found in a true church, because the truth is there and because that true church is being led by the Spirit of truth.

And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, thus saith the LORD. And it is only those who are of the truth, that shall hear the voice of Jesus, the Truth! – JOHN 18:37.

Olu Judge is of Christian Gospel Church, Benin-City

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