See how to focus on God more - Christians Portal

See how to focus on God more

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A reminder first that "All things are possible to God", and "all things are possible to the one who believes."
God is your awareness, consciousness, your capacity to imagine. By Him all things are made.The environment of Man is thought. Gods thoughts MAN-ifest. You are made in the image of God, "I say you are princes, sons of the most high". 
Therefore, be mindful. Observe your thoughts, what you are imagining, what you are hoping for, what you believe, for all you believe to be true you sow. And as a man sows so he reaps. Learn to think as God does, perhaps as Paul suggests in Philippians 4:8.

Hope that helps with the focusing.
All the best

The simplest way that works for me is to think in terms of before the day starts, as the day progresses, and as the day winds to an end.

1. In the morning, when you first rise, give a little prayer of hope: "Today, I will reason, will and act for Thee. Guide Thou my reason, will and activity to the right thing that I should do."

2. During the day, offer your actions, and the fruits of your actions to Him. Simply say a 5 second prayer before you do anything: "All that I do, I do for Thee. I offer the fruits of my activities to Thee." Then, through the day, carry a simple thought of God with you whenever you remember. You can do this by gently (ie, no strain or force) placing your mind at the kutatstha, the point between the eyebrows, at any time. You can accompany that with the Word appropriate to your faith: Amen, if you are Christian, Om if you are Buddhist or Hindu, etc. Or you may prefer to carry something as a reminder, for example a bookmark on your desk with something inspiring on it, or an image of Christ if you are a Christian, of Buddha if you are a Buddhist etc.

3. By taking a little time each day, even a minute or two, to read some scripture. What is your religious background? You can choose anything that inspires and uplifts your love for God.

4. At night, before you sleep, give a prayer of gratitude for all that came and did not come.

Keep it simple so that it is easy to do and not demanding on your time. That way you are more inclined to do it.

A very beautiful little book you might enjoy is called Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. Regardless of your religious/spiritual inclination it is a very sweet little book addressing exactly what you are asking. You can get handy little copies at Amazon, and maybe even in Kindle. Here is a link to a free online version too:
I have no connection with this book, it is just a very sweet little guidance.

Ironic that those things mader to bring us together make us war

With your power of Free Will of Choice begin to choose a life path and style closer to that which the worlds sacred texts describe as the God source. Remind yourself that your power of Free Will of Choice creates your entire experience here in the flesh and ultimately is the architect of your destiny. Unless you are in jail or the military you have chosen everything in your life. Now with that said, begin to choose much more wisely, until eventually you too shall come to know that even SIN, is but a choice.

God is within you as is the truth within you as shall the truth set you free. From your gut feeling of truth, to your subconscious, to the placebo effect working miracles instantly, these are all elements that are closely aligned with the God Source. Be with them. In Oneness.

Raised by catholic, but free thinking. Questioning everything, lead to freedom.

By being 'out of this world'. This world, with its human inhabitants, evolves. Humans are passing the treshold of superstition. In other words, you are focusing on the past. If you want to 'use' the concept of god more, you should as others already mentioned: Help others, take the good parts from what you think your god is, against what is bad (jealousy, hate, mongering, genocide, etc).

First ask yourself why do you want to focus more on GOD?!

I could assume that you fear the thought that you don't like believing in GOD. My dear friend there is great big world out there, just focus on your future, your parents and most importantly YOURSELF!! :D

P.S.: GOD is just a belief. Kind of a motivation or in your case a fear to bring you to the right track. That is it!

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