Many Africans Believe We Are Using Charms Because That Is How They Live - Bishop David Oyedepo - Christians Portal

Many Africans Believe We Are Using Charms Because That Is How They Live - Bishop David Oyedepo

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Bishop David Oyedepo, the General Overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide spoke at Mid-week Service which was tagged "Special Feet Washing Service". He said that the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men. "My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Let's connect to the higher ways of God tonight by opening up to the Word. Only fools doubt proofs. What makes a difference are the proofs that validate mysteries. Any mystery that is not validated by Heaven's confirmation is fake.


He talked about Unveiling The Mystery Of Feet Washing and revealed that God's ways are not lower; His ways are higher than our ways. That's why researchers can't find it; it is beyond them. Whatever is from above is above all. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts."

He further explained that the wisdom of God is higher; it can't be found in the land of the living. It cannot make sense to any natural intelligentsia because it is far above them. That's why He said, a natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God because they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they can only be comprehended by spiritual men; men and women of the Spirit.


"About your ministry today, many Africans, because that's the way they live; believe you must be doing some charms, that it is not possible," he said. Let's face the fact; in fact, I know that they are all doing charms - everybody." Why? It's beyond him. Yet it is the raw truth of God at work. He then revealed that it is not possible to fight a ministry that is 40 years crisis-free; peace, joy, fulfillment, uncheckered supplies, signs, and wonders without number.

He then made them to understand that there is nothing you do or would not do as commanded by scripture that affects God. It affects all of us. There is no commandment of scriptures that is for God's benefit. He has nowhere to accommodate any benefit. He said that God never forces obedience on anyone; it is a choice of everyone. But don't use your exposure, your expertise in quote, and your age in the faith to determine what is true in the truth and what is not true. You are so unqualified. The highest knowledge in the world is an amateur in the things of the Spirit - raw amateur.


Finally, he said that It is this wisdom of God packaged in mysteries that ushers us to our glorious destiny, embrace them. There was war when God began to unveil the mystery of the anointing oil through this ministry. There was war across the entire land. Then suddenly eyes opened, they started carrying barrels of oil all over town. "I know when God speaks from His word. If you noticed, I never responded, I never reacted; I was having a great time in the Spirit," he said.

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