What The "INRI" Inscription On The Cross Of Jesus Christ Stands For And Why It Was Placed There - Christians Portal

What The "INRI" Inscription On The Cross Of Jesus Christ Stands For And Why It Was Placed There

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Jesus Christ came into this world of sin to die and also make salvation available for mankind. During his death, he was nailed to a cross, and above his head, an inscription "INRI" was placed. However, a lot of Christians always see this inscription but the fact is, the majority don't even know what it probably meant.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Regarding this, we have decided to share with you the meaning of the inscription on the cross of Jesus Christ and why it was placed there.

According to information that we got from several platforms and Wikipedia, the inscription "INRI" is a Latin word that means Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum but if translated to English, it simply means "Jesus Of Nazareth, Kings Of Jew".

Why it was placed there:

Photo Credit: Simply Catholic

After Jesus Christ was accused and found guilty of Blasphemy, Pontius Pilate ordered him to be crucified and that the inscription "INRI" should be placed on his cross. However, the main reason of him doing that is just to make mock of Jesus Christ and the Bible confirmed it in Luke 23: 36-37. Although, this happened after the condemnation of Christ by Pontius Pilate.

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