Will Children Also Be judged? See What The Bible Says About It. - Christians Portal

Will Children Also Be judged? See What The Bible Says About It.

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The Great White Throne Judgment, according to Christianity, is when the dead who did not survive during Satan's 1,000-year imprisonment in the bottomless pit comes back to life and are judged by God based on their works, using a book that records all of their wicked deeds while on earth. This punishment is reserved for individuals whose names do not appear in the Book of Life, a book that contains the names of those who will go to heaven.

However, there has been a lot of controversies about whether little children will be judged by God during the White Throne Judgement. People are concerned about the end of infants who know little or nothing about what they are doing. Some of them even die before they know what is right or wrong. It is of no doubt that as long as you are born by the meeting of a man and a woman, you are born into sin. In the book of Revelation 20: 12, the Bible says,

"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works."

This simply explains that both adults and children will be judged. But our God is a fair judge and he will only judge your actions and inactions. Therefore, a child will only be judged when they have reached the age of accountability i.e when they know the difference between things that are right and wrong things. There is no specific age of accountability and it is only God and the child that knows when (s)he reaches the age of accountability.

In conclusion, as much as we are preparing ourselves for the rapture, we should also teach our young ones the way of the Lord. Because they are not above being judged. If they obey, then they will escape the White Throne Judgement.

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