When you have a financial challenge and your children are
requesting something you know they need, dont just dismiss
them. You have been presented with a golden opportunity to
introduce them to the God that provides!
Ask them to join you in prayers as you make that challenge a
petition to the Lord. Be deliberate about this. When that prayer
becomes answered, share the testimony with your children in
The same goes for health, accommodation, career or any other
challenge you may have.
When you do this, the followings are achieved:
. You start developing their faith
. They begin to know God experientially
. They become active participants in your God-knowledge
. They start to chart their own spiritual path especially as
regards petitioning God when in need.
May your children never come to a point in their lives when
they begin to say about God.."And where are all His miracles
which our fathers told us about.." Judges 6:13.
It's your duty as a Christian parent to ensure that doesn't
happen! And a fine way to ensure that is not to insulate them
from your challenges.
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